Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Things That Interest Me

Lately I have started reading and following blogs that cover some of the activities that interest me most in life. Three blogs that I find the most intriguing and entertaining that pertain to things I enjoy watching and/or participating in, are blogs that are dedicated to Snowbaording, Fishing, and Chicago Cubs baseball (yes, I admit that I'm a Cubs fan).

Snowboarding Days - The Snowboard Blog

This blog is written by Mark Shaw a snowboarder in Cornwall, England. Much like Indiana, (where I call home) England lacks the mountains and powdery snow that every boarder craves. So at our computers Mark and I sit, dreaming of mountains and powdery snow, watching videos and reading posts from boarders who reside in favorable locations. Reading this blog wets my appetite for serious boarding as I make due with Indiana’s short boarding season full of sketchy snow conditions (more like ice conditions) and gives me advice on where to plan my next mountain get-away.

The Ultimate Fishing Blog
Fishing is one of the most exciting/frustrating sports there is. What works today most likely won’t bring success tomorrow, which is the challenging beauty fishing presents. There are always new techniques and tackle available to anglers and that is why I enjoy following this blog, as it offers advice, tips, and tutorials on all things fishing.

Bleed Cubbie Blue
As a lifelong Cubs fan I follow this blog that offers, painful as they may be, stats, scores, standings,
injury reports, and transactions. It’s great reading opinions and comments from fellow Cubs fans. As yet another discouraging season comes to an end, I look to this blog to keep me up-to-date on trades, signings, and who might be the next manager. Go, Cubbies, Go!