Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Image of the Day

Looking at this picture at face value, it seems to be a photo taken out a subway window with the landscape blurring by, showing the reflection of a lady reading a newspaper. Although this may seem quite ambiguous when considering the topic of my blog, I find a striking correlation. We typically wake up, rush through our morning activities, eat our breakfast as quickly as possible (if not while driving), often we find ourselves stressfully hurrying through the work day... and so rushes our lives.

Viewing this picture it would seem that everything is rushing on by while we sit. However, looking from a different perspective, we are the blurrs rushing on by. During our high-speed, high-productivity days, seldom are the times we take the time to truly sit still and enjoy the landscape around us (looking out the window of a subway doesn't count!).

The value of spending time outdoors, avoiding the pressures to rush, and making time to enjoy the sporting opportunites nature presents, or even sit and enjoy the landscape has been greatly underestimated. Do yourself the favor of going to a park, woods or river this week, enjoy the outdoors and for a change watch the world rush by rather than be the blur flying past.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree, life does move too fast and we do not take time to enjoy it. As a fellow outdoorsman I understand the relaxation that slowing down and spending time in nature adds to life.
